Thursday 23 October 2014

Innovation in Film

Innovation in Film


Kickstarter is a website made for crowd funded projects to get the awareness they need to raise money for their project. It is not a website just for film makers there are many different projects seeking financial help in return for a gift or souvenir from the project. For example, a film maker could try and raise £20,000 for his upcoming movie. He could write that if somebody was willing to donate £10 towards the project they would receive a copy of the film in return or if somebody were to donate £100 they would receive an executive producer's credit. I believe this is a huge innovation in film because there have been many successful films that have received their funding through kickstarter. 


Computer generated imaging, or CGI, was not born on a film set, but in research labs at universities, with the goal of making pictures from computer data. In the late 1970s, the early imaging technology was adopted byspecial effects teams at movie production companies, starting in earnest what we now recognize as CG effects.
The sci-fi western "Westworld" is credited with being the first movie to make use of 2-D CGI. Shots from the perspective of Yul Brenner's robotic cowboy were mind blowing at the time, but look a little silly now. That film opened the door for movies like "Tron" in 1982, the first film to make extensive use of CGI. A few years after "Tron" was made, director Barry Levinson had his digital team create the first CGI character in "Young Sherlock Holmes." From there, innovators like James Cameron, Steven Spielberg and the Pixar studio revolutionized CGI in movies like "The Terminator," "Jurassic Park" and "Toy Story." Today, you'd be hard pressed to find a mainstream movie released by a major studio that doesn't have some kind of CG effect.

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